Showing posts with label Deck The Halls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deck The Halls. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Deck the Halls of Solly

It was such a wonderful summer experienced when I performed on my Mother's 30th High School Reunion way back '70s at Paete Laguna.

This is one of the most remembered picture framed diaries of my childhood solo singing performance with Maestro Cadang. I was eight years old here, singing "Deck the Halls" during summer time. This moment was one of my sibling's most unforgettable story about me. ♡ ♡ ♡

Sol singing Deck The Halls accompanied by Mr Cadang.
My Mother's 30th High School Reunion
at Paete Laguna, April 1972

My most favourite ageless story song book!

Deck the Halls
(YouTube Video)

Deck the Hall ~ Sing along
(YouTube Video)